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In Transit

This is a prompt for PubSocXELDDFS essay competition "In Transit".

in transit


If people or things are in transit, they are travelling or being taken from one place to another.

Source: Merriam-Webster.

What does it mean to be in transit? Is it a state of passive helplessness, awaiting a change of scenery - or is it an active process, captained by the passenger? If your vehicle - your life - has ground to a halt, are you still in transit? If so, towards what?

Is transit a blessing or a curse? A time for reflection, or time unforgivably lost to the mundane inefficiency of Singaporean public transport? Does transit necessarily lead to greener pastures? When our society steps off the whirlwind bullet-train that has been the past two years, where will we find ourselves?

What do we choose to take with us in transit? What should we decide to leave behind? What are the ‘essentials’ we bring along, only to later hurl out the moving window? What are the things we find missing, or lose along the way?

Where is one most in transit? In a crowded train station in metropolitan Mumbai? In a now-deserted airport terminal in Changi? In your bedroom, waiting for a Google Classroom page to load? In the wings of the stage, right before your name is called at your graduation ceremony?

Is our world now/still/ever/better in transit? Are you?

You may interpret the topic however you choose. There are no restrictions on form, style, or genre of writing - we welcome poetry, prose, or even persuasive speeches!

However, do be reminded that entries entirely extraneous to the topic must be discounted, and that points will be awarded for relevance to the topic.


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